Camila Diogo

Camila Diogo


Clinician in Neurology

Camila graduated from State University of Ceara in 2009. She then pursued a two-year advanced training program in Small Animal Internal Medicine at State University of Londrina. After this, she attended a two-year master’s degree in veterinary neurology at Federal Rural University of Pernambuco. In 2014, she started a veterinary PhD in neurology and another master’s degree at University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro. In the meantime, Camila also worked as vet in different private practices in Brazil and Portugal. In 2018, Camila moved to the UK and worked in a busy general practice. Thereafter, she took on a rotating internship, a neurology internship and ECVN neurology residency. Camila joined Veterinary Specialists Scotland in 2024 as Clinician in Neurology.

Outside work, Camila enjoys dancing, learning about other cultures, travelling and spending her free time with her husband.